Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Anti Depressants: An Overview

We must limit the number of young children who are administered antidepressants, as we do not have sufficient, if any, data regarding the effects of these drugs on the developing brain. Greater involvement from parents, teachers, ministers, and friends, as well as counseling and psychotherapy must all be used extensively before turning to the â€Å"quick fix† of antidepressants. In the last ten years, the psychiatric field has been flooded with a new group of antidepressants known as Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors, or SSRIs. Michele Laraia defines an SSRI as â€Å"a group of compounds that block the reuptake of serotonin by the pre synaptic neuron† (6). By adjusting the level of serotonin, the mood-altering chemical which our body naturally creates, that reaches the brain, we can control the stability of a person's mood. Tania Unsworth writes that â€Å"almost 600,000 children and adolescents in the US were prescribed SSRI antidepressants in 1996† (1). A more alarming statistic, reported by Joseph Coyle, is that â€Å"there has been a 10-fold increase in the prescription of SSRIs in the US for children under 5 years old between 1993 and 1997† (1). Parents, teachers, and psychiatrists across the country seem a little too anxious to jump on the antidepressant bandwagon. Apparently, many people are willing to turn first to the quick fix of drugs rather than the more time consuming approach of counseling and psychotherapy, although these have proven to be much more effective in the long run (McDougle 1). The most common reason for the prescription of an antidepressant is depression. Until about ten years ago, depression was thought to be nonexistent in children. Depression is now found, using the same criteria used for adults, to be unquestionably diagnosable in children (Fishbein 1). Joyce Price notes that â€Å"the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry puts the number of significantly depressed children and adolescents at 3.4 million† (1). The consequences of depression for children include social dysfunction, academic underachievement, impaired self-image, and suicidal and anti-social behavior (Laraia 1). Depression is also commonly linked to other problems such as conduct disorder, attention deficit disorder, and anxiety disorder. In a survey done by Judith Asch-Goodkin, she reports that â€Å"of over 600 physicians surveyed, more than half (57%) had prescribed an SSRI for a diagnosis other than depression† (1). In some cases, of course, medication is really necessary in order to correct a persisting disorder or complex which, if left untreated, would continue to grow. However, in young children, drug use should be reserved for a final remedy, and even then used with great moderation. The problem with most prescriptions given to children is that these drugs are used simply as a quick fix. Claudia Kalb writes that â€Å"experts say frustrated parents, agitated day-care workers and 10-minute pediatric visits all contribute to quick fixes for emotional and behavioral problems† (1). Parents seem too eager to find an â€Å"excuse† for their child's behavior. The easiest excuse for a parent to digest is the suggestion that their child has a natural chemical imbalance, correctable by medication. This helps to put the parents mind at ease, assuring them that it is not their fault. In most cases the parents are so relived to find out that their child's condition is not their fault that they do not bother to look into other ways of helping their child; instead they put their trust in their doctor and do whatever he first suggests. Of course, the scariest thing about giving an antidepressant to a child is that less than 20 percent of the drugs used in children have been tested on children (Price 2). As a matter of fact, none of the drugs which fall in the category of an SSRI have been tested on children. However, since the FDA has approved them for use in adults, doctors can legally prescribe them to children (Crowley 1). The courts have always left drug treatment to the physician's â€Å"best judgment† (Fisher 1). In fact, Rhoda Fisher states that â€Å"prescribing physicians do not need any scientific proof that a particular drug is effective for the patient they have in mind to treat† (1). In addition, general practitioners and pediatricians do not, for the most part, have the psychiatric knowledge necessary for the prescribing of antidepressants. Determining which medication to use and when to use it can be a confusing task for these doctors (McDougle 1). Without the proper education, prescribing an antidepressant can be a shot in the dark. Rebecca Voelker found in a study of over 600 family physicians and pediatricians that â€Å"72% had prescribed an SSRI for a patient younger than 18 years. Yet only 8% of the physicians said they had received adequate training in the management of childhood depression, and just 16% said they felt comfortable treating children for depression† (182). Surely some method of regulating which physicians can prescribe antidepressants can be established. Furthermore, the vast majority of evidence, so far, suggests that antidepressants do not help childhood depression (Price 1). The body of a child grows far too rapidly for the drug level to remain constant in their body. Fisher goes on to put it more bluntly in saying that â€Å"in view of their negative side effects and clearly demonstrated lack of therapeutic effectiveness, it is inappropriate to treat the younger segment of the population with antidepressant medications† (2). Almost 80 percent of children who are put on medications were referred to doctors for school problems, yet antidepressants have been proven to be ineffective in treating school problems or nebulous behavior problems (Asch-Goodkin 1). Once again, another case where frustration in a child's behavior is put above the child himself. A quick and easy answer to everything does not always exsist. With no empirical evidence to support drug treatment in young children, many could argue that it is not only dange rous but unethical as well. Even in cases where medication is absolutely necessary, psychotherapy should always be a big part of the treatment. The goal of the medication should be to help the child learn to deal with their condition, hopefully drug-free at some point. Too many times the medication is used as the sole treatment. Christopher J. McDougle points out that † the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, the AACAP, recommends psychotherapy as the initial treatment for mild to moderate depression† (1). He goes on to say that â€Å"the AACAP notes that SSRIs are never sufficient as the sole treatment† (2). It has been proven time and time again that most children are just reaching out and need an adult to show actual one-on-one attention to them. This is why psychotherapy is so very important. Children need that human contact. Of course, the primary concern in treating children with antidepressants is that we have absolutely no data on how these drugs affect the long-term brain development (Kalb 2). We are shoveling pills into the mouths of little children whose bodies and minds are at the most sensitive stages of their development, and we do not even know how these drugs will affect that. The pharmaceutical companies remain as the major funding sources for the study of various drugs and their effects on the body (Allen 6). The problem is that the law only requires them to test the drugs on adults. After that, it is up to the physicians who prescribe them. Allen explains their lack of ambition in pursuing such tests by claiming that â€Å"there is little incentive for the industry to conduct premarketing or post-marketing controlled treatment trials in children, since they are very expensive and raise liability concerns† (6). What is the key word here? Money. The pharmaceutical companies are not wil ling to shell out the extra money no matter what the costs. In his studies, McDougle found that â€Å"children and adolescents are more likely to have behavioral side effects; younger children being the most vulnerable† (5). Common side effects that are popular with younger patients are gastrointestinal distress, nausea, and anorexia (McDougle 3). Others common side effects are headaches, tremors, jitteriness, and nervousness (McDougle 3). Also, for some children hypomania, mania, and psychosis have all occurred (McDougle 4). On the other side of the mania disorders are the many different sleep disorders caused by these drugs. McDougle†s studies go on to show that â€Å"SSRIs, like virtually all antidepressants, alter sleep architecture, decreasing total sleep time, sleep efficiency, and the total duration of rapid-eye movement sleep† (3). The result of this is children who suffer daytime sedation, insomnia, and vivid, frightening dreams. In one of McDougle†s study groups, 42 percent had wild, vivid dreams that resul ted in the subjects injuring themselves enough to require hospitalization (5). Another concern, reported by Rhoda Fisher, is the scattered cases of children dying â€Å"suddenly and unexpectedly† (2). This may be linked to Serotonin Syndrome, a condition which can be derived from just one seronergic agent (McDougle 5). Children suffering from Serotonin Syndrome will experience fever, muscular rigidity, and a drastic mental status change. Also, they may be affected by hyper pyrexia (temperature above 105 degrees farenheight)mandating aggressive cooling, muscular paralysis, and intubation (McDougle 3). The time has come when we must demand that the pharmaceutical companies, physicians, and psychiatrists be better regulated. The changes made would be minimal but their outcome would be incomparable to anything else. Certainly, we must protect the health and the rights of young people who may not be able to do so for themselves. Medication is just a part, and a small part at that, of the therapeutic process. All options outside of medication should be thoroughly exercised before moving on to the next phase. Parents, teachers, and ministers must first do their part before recommending a child for professional care. After that, strict regulations must be put on doctors and psychiatrists to ensure that only those knowledgeable enough to prescribe antidepressants to children can do so. Furthermore, the pharmaceutical companies must be forced to test their products on any age group that might have access to these drugs. It is critical to the future of our society that we stop drugging are youth and look for more natural approaches.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Cultural context of the play Essay

How does Miller use the character of Alfieri to involve the audience and illustrate the cultural context of the play? Alfieri is used in a multitude of ways by Miller to help the play at various stages. He is a character in the play, which other characters interact with, however, he is displaced somewhat because he comments on the goings on of the play, expands on what has happened to make it clearer to the audience, links scenes together and to a certain extent takes the role of a narrator. The character of Alfieri as a lawyer is wisely chosen. Lawyers at that time were seen as a sign of bad luck as with priests, because they were symbols of the law and â€Å"law has not been a friendly idea since the Greeks were beaten†. This shows that Alfieri does not always bring good news and often brings about the things that people do not want to hear, like when Eddie goes to him and asks what he can do to get rid of Marco and Alfieri tells him that there is nothing he can do. The majority of characters in this play are immigrants who have tried to make a living by living in America so at one point or another they would have wanted to avoid the law. Alfieri being a lawyer also shows us how he is above the other immigrants as they are still uneducated, living lives of hard labour using colloquiums such as â€Å"yiz† which indicates a lack of control or status. However, Alfieri is educated and now has status. The language he uses is so much more formal than that of Beatrice or Eddie. Although Alfieri have status he may not have real respect, just the grudging respect for his status. Others do not see him as one of them , â€Å"see how uneasily they nod to me†. Realistically, Alfieri is the only one of them who has achieved the American Dream, worked his way form poverty to having a good life. Arthur Miller himself was the son of an immigrant and he supported himself through college by working on the docks, so he knew where to come from when writing about the hardships and unreliability of living a life like Eddies. In the area and time that the play is set, the rules of community, the code of honour, is more important than the state laws. Disobeying these unwritten laws and betraying the community could result in ostracization. As with Romeo and Juliet this play features people breaking the family laws, then being suitably punished for it. The issues in this play are ones that have been studied before and will be used again due to the fact that they are still relevant. You will always have people that want to do something that is not against the law but going against traditions in their communities and will often cause them a worse fate then if they were breaking a state law. People can relate to disobeying these community rules. Alfieri’s prologue introduces the play. He sets the scene and tells us a bit about the history and culture of where the play is set, where men where â€Å"justly shot by unjust men†. He also says in his epilogue that people now â€Å"settle for half†¦ we are quite civilized, quite American†. With statements like that you can tell that uncivilized things are going to happen. The opposite of how people are now will come out, the real them. Alfieri also tells us that what we are about to see is not just an ordinary one of his cases, and not simply the â€Å"petty troubles of the poor†. Not only in Alfieri’s prologue does he give us hints to what will happen in the play. Ina act one when Eddie goes to Alfieri and asks what he can do to get Rodolpho out, Alfieri says that Eddie must let go of Catherine and let her live her own life â€Å"because after all -what other way can it end? † he is almost predicting that if Eddies protective behaviour continues then it shall end in a bad way. The epilogue, also delivered by Alfieri helps us to understand things better as well. After all the commotion and high emotions of Eddies death, Alfieri is there, calm and collected as ever and gives us enough of an explanation to get us thinking, but also one that lets us make our own minds up. It offers a sense of rounding off. Alfieri reminds us f why we first liked Eddie, and talks of what a good character he was and how we will all like him far more than Alfieri’s â€Å"sensible clients†. Eddie died because he did what he wanted to and Alfieri can see the strength in this action, however, believes it is â€Å"better to settle for half† in order to survive and for there to be peace. Once again, as in the prologue Alfieri is at ease with us the audience. He is relaxed and allowing himself to be honest, to say what he really thinks. Alfieri comments are almost like what you would do to yourself in your head when analyzing or thinking something over. He is going through his thoughts in an almost soliloquy type way. When I went to see the play A View form a Bridge in the Questors theatre in Ealing the role of Alfieri was show to just as much the boob that he was in the svincter . if your happy and you know it clap your hands (clap clap) alice the camel had 95 humps†¦. ride alice ride du du dum cheesh. Im but a little bit bit bit bit show but a little bit bit bit shame but a little bit bit bit , bit bit bit. Peters pepper picked another pickle bearing pussy pepper raaah!!! Vivadixiesubmarine transmitionplot I think that Alfieri is a very good character to have in the play as he manages to fill in all the gaps where extra explanation is needed, such as after scenes. He also acts as an unofficial scene changer, and marks when time has passed or the setting is different. As well as all of this he also points people in the direction of doing things. If it was not for him telling Eddie that the only way he could get rid of Rodolpho was to phone immigration then he would not of thought of it.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Changing Views on Homosexuality

Men and women are feeling more open to express their homosexual lifestyle and this is in part due to the changing views of sexual behavior and homosexuality. Homosexual behavior is defined as sexual behavior with a member of one’s own sex (Sarason Sarason, 2005). Prior to the 1970s, homosexuality was considered to be a diagnosable psychiatric disorder and was listed in the DSM (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders). Homosexuality was viewed almost as a disease that people needed to be cured of. Research revealed that homosexual men and women did not differ in psychological adjustment from heterosexual men and women (Sarason Sarason, 2005). There has been the debate of whether a person is born gay or if homosexuality is a learned behavior. In my opinion, I believe that a person is born gay and does not chose or learn this sexual behavior from others. I’ve witnessed a relative grow up and noticed behavior as child that suggested he may be gay. As an adult, he informed the family that he is in fact gay. This came as a shock to no one and when asked when he knew he was gay, he stated that he knew all along. It is thought that if people no longer viewed homosexuality as a behavior that people chose to partake in, that less emphasis would be placed on trying to â€Å"cure† homosexuality. Dr. Glenn Wilson and Dr. Qazi Rahman, authors of the book Born Gay, state that there is no single gay gene, but genes do contribute and consider the effect of sex hormones to which fetuses are exposed in the womb (Ahuja, 2005). Wilson and Rahman feel that sexual orientation is fixed at birth and that any evidence-based scientist would agree (Ahuja, 2005). With more people understanding that sexual orientation is innate rather than learned, viewpoints on homosexuality are shifting. Our society is slowly becoming more accepting and placing less of a stigma on homosexual behavior. In the past there were no rights for gays wanting to marry, but now gays in Massachusetts can legally marry. In Vermont and other parts of the world, gay men and women now have the right to enter into legal partnerships that give them some of the same protections and responsibilities of marriage (Sarason Sarason, 2005). Past opinion polls have resulted in some Americans saying that gays cannot be considered good role models for children (Sarason Sarason, 2005). Some people have thought that a child’s sexual orientation could be affected if the child had gay or lesbian parents. Research on child adjustment in homosexual households provided results that did not differ from children raised by heterosexual parents (Sarason Sarason, 2005). Dr. Ellen C. Perrin feels that children raised by gay or lesbian couples do just as well as children raised as by heterosexual couples. â€Å"In some ways children of same-sex parents actually may have advantages over other family structures†, says Perrin (Chang, 2005). Studies conducted on homosexual couples show that lesbian couples share household responsibilities equally and that children adjust better when there is an equal division of labor (Chang, 2005). Raising healthy, well-adjusted children and understanding that homosexuality is an innate behavior are just two examples of why attitudes towards homosexuality are changing. Although there is still room for improvement in terms of accepting gay culture, strides are being made compared to earlier attitudes. To me the most significant change is understanding that homosexuality is not a disorder, it represents a person’s sexual orientation. References Changing Views on Homosexuality Men and women are feeling more open to express their homosexual lifestyle and this is in part due to the changing views of sexual behavior and homosexuality. Homosexual behavior is defined as sexual behavior with a member of one’s own sex (Sarason Sarason, 2005). Prior to the 1970s, homosexuality was considered to be a diagnosable psychiatric disorder and was listed in the DSM (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders). Homosexuality was viewed almost as a disease that people needed to be cured of. Research revealed that homosexual men and women did not differ in psychological adjustment from heterosexual men and women (Sarason Sarason, 2005). There has been the debate of whether a person is born gay or if homosexuality is a learned behavior. In my opinion, I believe that a person is born gay and does not chose or learn this sexual behavior from others. I’ve witnessed a relative grow up and noticed behavior as child that suggested he may be gay. As an adult, he informed the family that he is in fact gay. This came as a shock to no one and when asked when he knew he was gay, he stated that he knew all along. It is thought that if people no longer viewed homosexuality as a behavior that people chose to partake in, that less emphasis would be placed on trying to â€Å"cure† homosexuality. Dr. Glenn Wilson and Dr. Qazi Rahman, authors of the book Born Gay, state that there is no single gay gene, but genes do contribute and consider the effect of sex hormones to which fetuses are exposed in the womb (Ahuja, 2005). Wilson and Rahman feel that sexual orientation is fixed at birth and that any evidence-based scientist would agree (Ahuja, 2005). With more people understanding that sexual orientation is innate rather than learned, viewpoints on homosexuality are shifting. Our society is slowly becoming more accepting and placing less of a stigma on homosexual behavior. In the past there were no rights for gays wanting to marry, but now gays in Massachusetts can legally marry. In Vermont and other parts of the world, gay men and women now have the right to enter into legal partnerships that give them some of the same protections and responsibilities of marriage (Sarason Sarason, 2005). Past opinion polls have resulted in some Americans saying that gays cannot be considered good role models for children (Sarason Sarason, 2005). Some people have thought that a child’s sexual orientation could be affected if the child had gay or lesbian parents. Research on child adjustment in homosexual households provided results that did not differ from children raised by heterosexual parents (Sarason Sarason, 2005). Dr. Ellen C. Perrin feels that children raised by gay or lesbian couples do just as well as children raised as by heterosexual couples. â€Å"In some ways children of same-sex parents actually may have advantages over other family structures†, says Perrin (Chang, 2005). Studies conducted on homosexual couples show that lesbian couples share household responsibilities equally and that children adjust better when there is an equal division of labor (Chang, 2005). Raising healthy, well-adjusted children and understanding that homosexuality is an innate behavior are just two examples of why attitudes towards homosexuality are changing. Although there is still room for improvement in terms of accepting gay culture, strides are being made compared to earlier attitudes. To me the most significant change is understanding that homosexuality is not a disorder, it represents a person’s sexual orientation. References

The Goals of the Change Initiative Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

The Goals of the Change Initiative - Essay Example Our main aim will be to create a leaner centralized structure of organization that will provide the best practices and the required expertise in all aspects of the business success, efficiency, and communication. Other critical sections that will also be addressed are legal governance, human resource management, Information Technology architecture, and yield Monetization (Glinow & Mohr man 1990). We shall evolve our research team so that everyone gets an opportunity to contribute to change in creative innovation process. With the help of our Computer Aided Design designers, we shall renovate our technology infrastructure to allow open APIs, simplify the sales strategy by ensuring that we keep track of our partner account strategy and finally push forward for more effectiveness via organization. Having carried out this business examination, today, we will make imperative changes to our business organization. These changes will include even the most difficult decisions that can be made about workforce reduction (Reduction in Force). However this time I believe we can do without the RIF- Reduction in Force rather we will go the attrition way. This is whereby some positions will be done away with incase those holding them retire or quit the job (Glinow & Mohr man 1990). I believe this is better than layoff and we will have to enhance communication among our workers. These changes will enable this business to concentrate more on the leading brands and focus on our strengths in research, the widely known wind tunnel technology. We will also be able to focus and propel our efficiencies throughout the company. A lot of support has been requested from the management especially the human resource department since the reorganization about to be effected is going to be work intensive. The following is an overview of the transformation that is going to take place; Employees: There has been a problem with our employees for quit sometime now. Many employees feel like the company is disintegrating due to the difficulties in communication which, in turn, makes it more difficult to get the projects completed in a timely manner (Heller 2006). This has led to rumblings among the staff about quitting. Since Pegasus is located in a highly concentrated technical area of the country, there are other companies that pay better and seem to be more competitive for contracts. The leadership is scared of losing their best and brightest employees and feels the urgent need to streamline their organization to remain effective, efficient, and competitive. The company is concerned about this issue since it's these employees who have contributed to its success and it's very disheartening to watch our colleagues leave! These changes we intend to make are part of our long term growth and development strategy. I have organized for the employees to meet their specific managers so that they can have discussion on more specifics and how these transformations will influence their personal ambitions and individual roles at the company

Sunday, July 28, 2019

The impact of macroeconomic policy in real estate corporations in Essay

The impact of macroeconomic policy in real estate corporations in China - Essay Example c regulations by the People’s Republic of China (PRC) will have impacts on both domestic and foreign real estate enterprises operating in the Chinese housing sector environment. Uncertainty in a market driven economy is likely to have a significant impact on the forces operating within a particular sector, which in this case is residential housing, national and international financial markets. The findings indicate that, although new macroeconomic mechanisms have been announced by the Chinese government, to date they have not been fully introduced and, even where this has been the case, there appears to be no clearly defined manner in which these policies are being enforced in different locations throughout the country or when this is likely to take place. It is clear from the results that this has increased the levels of uncertainty that exists in the minds of the house purchaser and the real estate enterprises. In this context, uncertainty has the dual effect of delaying consumer house purchasing decisions, which in turn leads real estate enterprises to reconsider their current investment and development strategies. The considered option of the real estate enterprises, based on the market evidence they have, is that the policy reforms will have a significant impact on demand and supply in the housing market. Specifically, the option is that the proposed reduction in bank lending and increased credit controls and the cost of borrowing will reduce demand for private housing, as it will reduce the consumer’s affordability determinants. It has been anticipated by the majority of the respondents that the effect of this will not only result in a fall in house prices, but in many cases, this fall is likely to be between 20-50%. These levels of price reduction will adversely affect the demand for residential houses. As a result, substantially increase the numbers of houses that are available for sale in the market, which could further depress prices. For real

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Importance of Effective Communication Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Importance of Effective Communication - Essay Example Effective communication is important for a successful relationship among peers. Effective communication leads to a better interpersonal role and through this approach a person can gain popularity and will be able to motivate or influence other people. How can the quality of communication be judged This is rather simple if we take the written modules in consideration. That is how well the author has related the matter to the subject. In the verbal context it is a bit different. Having a strong vocabulary is just not enough for becoming a good communicator as while delivering a message directly words are just about 7% effective, the tone is around 38% effective and the rest is judged by the nonverbal cues given by the speaker. This is why a gloomy dialogue expressed by a charismatic personality is of more importance as compared to a strong statement made in an in-effective tone. Strengths regarding communication in my context are that I am easy going and fain familiarity with other ind ividuals quite quickly as I am more affable. My strengths are that I can easily manage groups due to my understanding and simple use of language. My point is based on cogency as I prefer no hesitation in delivering my point of view and another important point about good communication is that let the speaker finish and then cite your view. This also improves upon communication prospect and the person utilizing this is considered a good communicator. Nonverbal communication The other fact that can be related to better communication is the ability to handle the kinesics and the non-verbal cues. Non-verbal cues include eye contact, body movement and postures, and most of all the tone of delivery. I believe that good eye-contact entails one as being a better communicator and it is vital if delivering strong messages and in-person contact. Keeping a measurable distance from the interacting person is a good approach and it is regarded as a good conduct in many cultures. But one is not to s tand too far as it shows the avoidance factor. People like to free up space in between themselves and the present environment so that they can produce their messages more effectively and easily. My case is that I am able to convey my message without the need of personal space. The personal space does not influence my mode of message delivery. Dynamic Non-verbal factors of Communication Next I would like to introduce the dynamic non-verbal factors. These include eye graze, body movement with regard to the statement, gestures, paralanguage and time frame. What I mean by body movement with regard to the statements is the point that your body should act in accordance with your message delivery. If you are delivering a message regarding something that has increased then the arm movement should (if required) should be 'raising the level'. Similarly eye contact is of prime importance and the ability to understand this feature is also of much substance. This can lead to the avoidance of man y undesirable consequences. Message Delivery I think that denying someone's message is a wrong act as we should try to convince him in such a way that he himself identifies the consequence. Saying 'NO' is something that is regarded as bad in the context of effective communication.

Friday, July 26, 2019

How does my school compare with other schools in the U.S Essay

How does my school compare with other schools in the U.S - Essay Example In some respects there are some schools like the universities who have access to technology but there are many websites that they block. According to Hermida the ones that are blocked have to do with sexually explicit content, womens history, religious sites, drugs and pop culture (Hermida, 2003). These sites are basically blocked because the government does not want Saudi people getting ideas that may mean they go against their religion. This is very different from U.S. education because in the U.S. there are some things that are blocked by education like pornography sites but for the most part students have access to many things that will enhance their learning. According to the Saudi government the reason why these sites are blocked is because they want to preserve their customs and their religion. When they block a site it makes sure that their people will remain loyal to their religion. This is very important on Saudi Arabia (Hermida). There is a question about the technology situation. It is one thing to have technology but if it is censored it seems that this defeats the purpose. In the U.S. students can find out about people and situations that are different from their own. In Saudi Arabia they cannot. This may mean that the Saudi children do not receive the same type of education as those in the U.S. because they lack the flexibility of the Internet. When someone takes an engineering course or something to do with business they are able to use the full technology in that area. This means that it will be offered to men more than it will be offered to women. It seems that the Saudis know that men will need to have a better understanding of the Internet because they will be doing business on a global basis. It is important to keep in mind that the goal of education in Saudi Arabia is very different than the goal of the U.S. In the U.S. people go for education because they want to advance their career or

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Beauty of Nature as Appreciated by Wordsworth Essay

Beauty of Nature as Appreciated by Wordsworth - Essay Example Written in Germany, the poem "Nutting" evokes Wordsworth's remembrance of turbulent feelings he had when he had gone' nutting' as a boy. William Wordsworth writes about a beautiful, pristine wood whose beauty and purity he had destroyed by his greed to gather the nuts .Continuing in the same vein, in "The World is too much with Us", the poet laments the heartlessness of humankind, which has come under the sway of unfathomable avarice, and which no longer is moved by the beauty of nature. Wordsworth describes the secret, unexplored place he went to after clambering over rocks and stepping over tangled ferns in "Nutting". It is a place of perfect peace where the poet's heart experiences great joy. He describes the nook where he sits down among the flowers under the trees The poem conveys a deep sense of peace and meditation attained by man by connecting with nature. The final lines of the poem convey the spiritual feeling that the beauty of nature inspired in the poet. The symbolism of the plentiful hazelnut clusters which cover the trees alludes to the bounty of nature. The tattered old clothes the boy wears symbolizes the poverty of spirit of man. The poet describes how the unsullied nook is ravaged by the violent acts of the boy.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

People and organisations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

People and organisations - Essay Example They were based on Taylor’s scientific management processes which emphasised close supervision. However, more advanced studies such as the Hawthorne studies found out that specialisation created boredom, low productivity and high turnover. Furthermore, modern organisations operate in a global competitive climate which requires them to be flexible enough to adapt quickly to changes. As such, modern organisations now rely on contingency factors to structure organisations and teamwork to motivate workers. The organisation culture also plays an important role in defining how employees experience their work and how organisations are operated. The paper will discuss how two organisations differ in the way they are operated and how people experience work. This will be achieved by looking at their approaches to teamwork and teamworking, approaches to organisation structure and design, and the organisation cultures. Biogenia plc is a world-leading business dealing with crop-protection products (herbicides, fungicides, and insecticides) with 15000 employees in over 80 countries and has manufacturing facilities in 10 countries. Its activities are grouped into four functional areas but employees also work in cross-functional teams. The company is driven by innovation and employs highly qualified employees from diverse backgrounds. It also offers room for development through training courses and sponsoring education. It is also engaged in community activities by offering sponsorship. Sleepeasy Hotels on the other hand, is a mid-market hotel chain offering services to traveller and city-break tourists. Each hotel is headed by a manager who is responsible to the head office and manages day-to-day activities of the hotel. All the hotels perform similar functions such as reception, bar tending, room-cleaning, and cooking according to standard procedures and routines. Each manager recruits employees with assistance of central Human Resource function; some room-cleaners ar e permanent while others work part-time. The chain has a culture of performance management and review and disciplinary procedures. Approaches to Teamwork and Teamworking According to Forsyth (2009 p. 351), â€Å"teams are groups but not all groups are teams.† Some organisations work as a group to accomplish organisational goals while others form teams for specific purposes which are aimed at accomplishing the organisational goals. He points out the difference between groups and teams in that, teams require more collaboration and coordination in addition to having multiple members, interdependence and sharing of collective goals (p. 352). Each member is also assumed to possess unique knowledge, skills and abilities that he/she contributes to the effectiveness of the team. Classical organisations stressed individual work hence complex division of labour and specialisation but contemporary organisations have realised the need to utilize teamwork to achieve goals as well as trans mission of skills and knowledge between individuals’ hence organisational learning and increased motivation. Sleepeasy is an example of a classical organisation as each employee is responsible for his/her work which is monitored closely by a supervisor. The room-cleaning employees are supposed to attend 4 rooms in an hour failure to which disciplinary action is taken. For Biogenia, even though workers belong to a functional area they also belong to a cross-functional team. As observed by Forsyth (2009) teams come in different forms and perform different functions depending on organisational needs. Cross-functional or project teams comprise of members from different functional areas or departments, have different backgrounds and areas of expertise. These teams may

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Management week 8 Dis Board Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Management week 8 Dis Board - Article Example en a team or a group of people need to move towards a specific direction, feedback can be used to help determine the required changes so as to enhance performance. Thirdly, positive feedback helps in developing the required skills to succeed in a given task by creating good understanding. Finally, when positive feedback is given, it goes a long way showing others that they are valued. This way, they will see the need to continue performing optimally or make the required changes that will enhance their performance. Positive motivation has helped me in several work situations. One of such situations was when I was working on a report on the new changes that were required to make the team in my area of work to improve its output and productivity. Having spent a lot of time doing the draft, I kept doubting if it would be accepted. Hiver, after presenting the initial report and getting positive feedback that I was in the right track, I was very motivated. I went ahead to come up with a very concrete and good final

Oceanography Today Essay Example for Free

Oceanography Today Essay The speed of sound waves in the ocean ranges from 4,800 to 5,100 feet per second, depending on water temperature, salinity, and depth. This speed is about 4 and ? times the average speed of sound waves in the air. Sound waves can travel great distances in regions of minimum velocity called sound channels. In 1960 the sound from depth charges exploded by a Columbia University research ship off southwestern Australia was detected in a sound channel by hydrophones off Bermuda, 12,000 miles away. In addition to determining the shape of the ocean floor, sonar equipment is used for navigation, to locate submerged submarines, and to locate schools of fish. Porpoises and certain species of sea lions have a natural form of sonar. They emit high- frequency sound pulses, which they use to avoid collisions and to search for food. A fully submerged submarine can communicate with a nearby submarine or surface ship by means of an underwater telephone. This device transmits voice signals directly through water. Reference: 1. Blair, Carvel. (1986). Exploring the Sea: Oceanography Today. Random House Publishing.

Monday, July 22, 2019

OCD in Motion Picture Essay Example for Free

OCD in Motion Picture Essay As Good As It Gets is a movie that portrays the life of a person with a psychiatric disorder called obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). The protagonist Melvin Udall (played by Jack Nicholson) is a novel script writer who lives in an apartment with Simon Bishop (played by Greg Kinnear) as his neighbor. Melvin’s odd behaviors make his life difficult when dealing with people around him. He is preoccupied with too many compulsions that he did not have time to build a healthy relationship with other people. He is not sensitive to the words he say not knowing that he is already hurting the person’s feelings. His life starts to change when Simon was hospitalized and Melvin was forced to take care of Simon’s dog, Verdell. The dog acted as a bridge for Melvin and Simon to become friends. Melvin also became close acquaintances with Carol Connelly (played by Helen Hunt), a waitress in the restaurant where he always dine. He falls in love with Carol but due to his unpredicted odd behaviors, Carol moves away from him. Thanks to Simon, he helped things become okay between Carol and Melvin. Deeply in love with Carol, Melvin tries to change his ways and the movie ended with a bright yet uncertain future. As the psychiatric disorder progresses, the patient as well as the people surrounding him starts to complain about his behavior. Below are several complaints the patient and his significant others have in the movie â€Å"As Good As It Gets†: Melvin to Simon: â€Å"Im clearing my head, dont like myself anymore. Im tired. † Melvin to Dr. Green: â€Å"Dr. Green, how can you diagnose someone with an obsessive- compulsive disorder and act as if he have some choice? Are you teasing me? † Carol to Melvin: â€Å" Dont you have any control of how creepy you are about to get? † â€Å"I want my life for just one minute but my biggest problem is somebody else has a free convertible so I can get out of this city! † â€Å"Stop it! Why cant I just have a normal boyfriend? Why? A regular boyfriend who doesnt go nuts on me! † Simon to Melvin: â€Å"Youre sick. Everything looks distorted and everything inside you. You hate everything so you can barely find a way to complain. † Generally speaking, the people are complaining about Melvins attitude. His attitude is so bothersome that it prevents him from building a healthy relationship with other people. Melvin tries to be nice to some people but his present attitude serves as a bias why most of them consider his kindness as an act of insult or deceit. He somehow develops an obsession with Carol. In order to know the problem of the client, it is better if the health provider would take some sort of history taking. History taking is important since it serves as a baseline to know the roots of a certain disorder. The history taking can be started with simple questions regarding the patients name, age, occupation and the like. Taking OCD into consideration, the health provider should ask specific questions that will help in understanding the disorder of the patient. If a patient is asked to describe his/her past childhood experiences, the client may state that he/she has experienced rigid toilet training. Toilet training is an important aspect that must be accomplished during toddler years. Considering the fact that autonomy must be favored more than shame and doubt, toilet training must be done in way the child practices his autonomy. The client may also say that whenever he/she experiences anxiety, he/she begins performing repetitive actions. Exploring deeper into the question, the client may also say that his compulsions or rituals take him several minutes or hours to accomplish. Attempts to stop these compulsions are reported to be unsuccessful. If asked about his/her relationship with other people, the client may say that he/she finds it hard to build a healthy relationship because his compulsions prevent him from doing so. In the movie, As Good As It Gets, actor Jack Nicholson portrays the role of a person with an obsessive compulsive disorder. Obsessive compulsive disorder is an anxiety disorder wherein the person has recurrent unwanted thoughts called obsessions. To relieve the anxiety brought by these thoughts, the person is involved in repetitive behaviors such as hand washing, checking and counting. These so called rituals or compulsions reduce a persons anxiety while deprivation from these rituals increases the person’s anxiety. However, the action only provides temporary relief. Jack Nicholson shows odd behaviors which add humor to the movie. Whenever he washes his hands, he always uses a new soap then throws it away. He also avoids stepping on the cracks on the floor whenever he goes outside his apartment for a walk. At the same time, he feels that he should eat on the same table in his favorite restaurant and even bring along his plastic utensils whenever he dines there. The way of locking and unlocking the doors of his apartment is complicated as well as turning the lights on and off. He needs to follow certain number of times before getting over with it. He is characterized as verbally abusive which offends people most of the time. He also lives in solitary and has no friends at all, although he is considered as a famous novel writer. Those living with this kind of people find themselves in a state of frustration. The obsessions as well the compulsions make the lives of these people difficult. To support the diagnosis of OCD on Melvin Udall, certain criteria must be met with DSM TV IR. Obsessions of a client with OCD must be intrusive, inappropriate, recurrent, and persistent, and causes distress and anxiety. There are unsuccessful attempts to ignore the obsessions with positive adaptive actions and thoughts. People with this disorder are not excessively worried about real life problems and they usually recognize that these obsessions are produced by their own thoughts. On the other hand, the compulsions of a person with OCD are converted to repetitive behaviors such as hand washing, counting, and arranging things according to color, height, and the like. They display these excessive behavior or mental acts for them to prevent distress or frightening events. At some point during the course of the disorder, the client will recognize that these excessive thoughts and behaviors are inappropriate or unreasonable. The compulsions themselves are time consuming and they interfere with the client’s ability to perform for their daily needs. Such needs would include food, occupation, social activities, and healthy relationship with other people. Lastly, these obsessions and compulsions are not side effects of other substances such as alcohol or medications. They are merely coping mechanisms for a person to relieve anxiety. Considering that the patient has obsessive compulsive disorder, sets of treatment are planned to help relieve the patient’s anxiety. Treatments or interventions can be divided into three: therapeutic relationship, psychopharmacology, and milieu management. Starting off with the therapeutic relationship, the nurse must ensure that the basic needs such as food, clothing, grooming, and the rest are met by the client. Client has less time in dealing with these activities since they are preoccupied by their obsessions and compulsions. Provide time for the patient to finish the ritual. Setting limits has more advantage than stopping the ritual abruptly because it may ensue panic than relief. Prepare simple yet structured activities for the client. This is a good and productive diversion for the client’s obsessive compulsive behavior. Whenever the client demonstrates a non-ritualistic behavior, give praise or recognition. This will increase self-worth and self-esteem. Be empathic with the client and be aware of the need in performing the rituals. It will convey acceptance and understanding on the client’s situation. Certain drugs also help the patient deal with OCD. Clomipramine is considered as the drug of choice in dealing with these clients. However, a certain group of drug is said to be effective for this kind of psychiatric disorder. They are called Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRI). SSRI is a kind of antidepressant that treats depression, anxiety disorders, and some personality disorders. As the name suggests, it prevents the reuptake of serotonin whose action is to elevate the mood. Since OCD is an anxiety disorder, it is proven to be effective and helps in dealing with the anxiety of the patient. Some of SSRI drugs commonly used are fluoxetine, fluvoxamine, paroxetine, and sertraline. However, one should watch the side effects of these drugs. SSRIs are known to cause gastrointestinal symptoms like nausea and diarrhea. They are also known to cause anticholinergic effects as well as sexual dysfunction. Milieu management also helps in the treatment of anxiety disorders particularly the cognitive behavior therapy (CBT). Although rooted in two different theories, it is found to be effective in treating patients with anxiety disorder. The basic concept of using the CBT in anxiety disorders is systematic desensitization or in vivo approach. It is believed that fear is learned and continued to be learned unless the client is exposed to certain stimuli. Initial exposure causes an increase in physical and emotional distress. As the desensitization therapy progresses, the client then will learn how to unlearn hi/her fear. In OCD, there is what we call exposure with response prevention which is directly under the CBT. The aim of CBT is the same with systematic desensitization. Nonetheless, as anxiety is relieved, so is the ritualistic behavior of the client. Others would also consider thought stopping, a technique wherein the client’s intrusive obsessions are substituted with adaptive ones such as deep breathing or walking. As the treatment goes, several outcomes must be predicted in order to evaluate whether the treatment is effective or not. It can be short term or long term. Short-term outcomes would include the following: 1. Patient will be able limit the time needed in performing rituals. 2. Patient will report and identify strategies and actions that will be substituted for compulsions. 3. Patient will be able to finish and focus on the structured activities given to them by their health provider. These short-term outcomes must be followed in order for the client to achieve long-term outcomes. Nonetheless, long-term outcomes would include: 1. Patient will be able to develop strong and healthy relationship with the people surrounding him/her. 2. Patient will be able to substitute compulsions with positive adaptive behaviors and thoughts. References Ziskin, L. (Producer), Brooks, J. L. (Director). 1997. As Good As It Gets [Motion Picture]. United States: TriStar Pictures

Sunday, July 21, 2019

The Peace Of Mind Philosophy Essay

The Peace Of Mind Philosophy Essay Peace of mind is one of those instants in life that are hard to describe, but easy to know. We all know the sensation. In those fleeting instants, there are no doubts, anxieties, or cares. For a flash, life is totally under modification. It is a sensation that we all wish in life, but it is few, far between, and brief. At least it seems that way. Freedom from disquieting or oppressive thoughts or emotions. It all surprises with the basic desire to be satisfied. Everybody wants to be happy. Even if someone privileges they want to be unhappy, seeking that unhappy state really makes them happy. Joy cannot occur without peace. In fact, echo on happy instants will also present peace. Happiness cannot openly coincide with chaos, making peace of mind dangerous. If it seems like they overlap, dig deeper and they will begin to distinguish. Since pleasure cannot occur in a state that without peace, it is serious that a mindset of peace be recognized in our lives. Another reason why peace of mind is invaluable is our sole chance to change our boldness. When things are going unwell, we still have the aptitude to keep a positive approach. Of course, no positive approach can be shown without adopting peace of mind. Charles R. Swindolls quote concerning our approach still rings very true: I am convinced that life is 10% what happens to me and 90% how I react to it. And so it is with youwe are in charge of our attitudes. C:UsersYashDesktopimages (4).jpg From the instant we have our first day of school, to the time we advance from University, we are trained many basic abilities that build our traits. In order to have people consent you, using these qualities is a must. Generosity; being a huge characteristic, is one we should join into our simplest jobs. Not only can a small amount of generosity change a life, it can make you sense good and it can make you an improved person. Being generous is a vital value that we should use every day. While fluctuating someones life with your richness of generosity is essential, how you sense while you do it is also very important. By knowing the influence you are having on someones life, sensation will become good about yourself and that is inevitable. Taking a few hours out of your day to help someone can be very pleasing. Whether that be serving a blind person cross the street, advancing someone a few bucks or helping an older person with their shopping. Sometimes generosity needs pushing past a feeling of unwillingness because we all impulsively want to keep worthy things for ourselves. Even so, we can construct our lives in ways that make generosity more natural and fun. When we deliberately live below our means and evade over commitment, we nurture a sense of abundance or extra that makes us neediness to share. When we give, we reap the liking of knowing we have made someone elses life cheerier. C:UsersYashDesktopimages (6).jpg Reasons that lead us to change and progress: freedom, power, knowledge, and immortality Progress of an individual according to Shri Aurobindo depends on the free growth of the individuals which the state tends to suppress. State suppresses free growth of individuals as it ignores natural variation and governs human life by rigid uniform rules. However uniformity according to Sri Aurobindo suppresses individual development and without progress of the individual society also cannot progress. He says, Always it is individual who progress and completes the rest to progress Sri Aurobindos main philosophical work, The Life Divine, opens with a chapter entitled The Human Aspiration. It addresses the urge for progress, the yearning for freedom, light, and perfection, which is so consistently contradicted by our immediate experience, but which still seems to be one of our most typical and most persistent human traits. Sri Aurobindo sees this urge for progress as an expression in the individual of a much vaster movement in nature, a movement that shows itself most clearly in the, at first sight rather improbable, evolution of life and mind out of matter. The first condition of inner progress is to recognize whatever is or has been a wrong movement in any part of the nature,-wrong idea, wrong feeling, wrong speech, wrong action,-and by wrong is meant what departs from the truth, from the higher consciousness and higher self, from the way of the Divine. Once recognized it is admitted, not glossed over or defended,-and it is offered to the Divine for the Light and Grace to descend and substitute for it the right movement of the true Consciousness. (Sri Aurobindo,  Letters on Yoga, Vol. 23, p. 661) THE WHOLE burden of our human progress has been an attempt to escape from the bondage to the body and the vital impulses. According to the scientific theory, the human being began as the animal, developed through the savage and consummated in the modern civilised man. The Indian theory is different. God created the world by developing the many out of the One and the material out of the spiritual. From the beginning, the objects which compose the physical world were arranged by Him in their causes, developed under the law of their being in the subtle or psychical world and then manifested in the gross or material world. Once manifested in matter the world proceeds by laws which do not change, from age to age, by a regular succession, until it is all withdrawn back again into the source from which it came. The material goes back into the psychical and the psychical is involved in its cause or seed. It is again put out when the period of expansion recurs and runs its course on similar l ines but with different details till the period of contraction is due. Hinduism regards the world as a recurrent series of phenomena of which the terms vary but the general formula abides the same. The theory is only acceptable if we recognize the truth of the conception formulated in the Vishnu Purana of the world as developments of ideas in the Universal Intelligence which lies at the root of all material phenomena and by its indwelling force shapes the growth of the tree and the evolution of the clod as well as the development of living creatures and the progress of mankind. Whether we take the modern scientific or the ancient Hindu standpoint the progress of humanity is a fact. The wheel of Brahma rotates forever but it does not turn in the same place; its rotations carry it forward. Human moderation is usually a wiseacre and a botcher; it sews a patch of new velvet on old fustian or of new fustian on old velvet and admires its deplorable handiwork. And its cautious advance means an accumulation of shams, fictions and dead conventions till the burden of falsehood becomes too great for life to bear and a violent revolution is necessary to deliver the soul of humanity out of the immobilizing cerements of the past. Such is the type of our progress; it is the advance of an ignorant and purblind but always light-attracted spirit, a being half-animal, half-god, stumbling forward through the bewildering jungle of its own errors. C:UsersYashDownloads6a00d834520ed269e20133f2816eef970b500wi.jpg If the only prayer you say in your life is thank you, that would suffice. Meister Eckhart Gratitude means appreciation, together with your blessing, noticing simple joys, and acknowledging everything that you get. It means knowledge to live your life as if everything were a vision, and being attentive on a constant basis of how much youve been given. Gratitude shifts your focus from what your life lacks to the abundance that is already present. In addition, behavioral and psychological research has shown the surprising life improvements that can stem from the practice of gratitude. Giving thanks makes people happier and more resilient, it strengthens relationships, it improves health, and it reduces stress. Gratitude heightens quality of life A large body of recent work has suggested that people who are more grateful have higher levels of  subjective well-being. Grateful people are happier, less depressed, less stressed, and more satisfied with their lives and  social relationships. Grateful people also have higher levels of control of their environments, personal growth, purpose in life, and self-acceptance.  Grateful people have more positive ways of coping with the difficulties they experience in life, being more likely to seek support from other people, reinterpret and grow from the experience, and spend more time planning how to deal with the problem. Grateful people also have less negative coping strategies, being less likely to try to avoid the problem, deny there is a problem, blame themselves, or cope through substance use. Grateful people sleep better, and this seems to be because they think less negative and more positive thoughts just before going to sleep. Gratitude has been said to have one of the strongest links with  mental health  of any character trait. Numerous studies suggest that grateful people are more likely to have higher levels of happiness and lower levels of stress and depression.  In one study concerning gratitude, participants were randomly assigned to one of six therapeutic intervention conditions designed to improve the participants overall quality of life (Seligman et. all. 2005).  Out of these conditions, it was found that the biggest short-term effects came from a gratitude visit where participants wrote and delivered a letter of gratitude to someone in their life. This condition showed a rise in happiness scores by 10 percent and a significant fall in depression scores, results which lasted up to one month after the visit. While many emotions and personality traits are important to well-being, there is evidence that gratitude may be uniquely important. First, a longitudinal study showed that people who were more grateful coped better with a life transition. Specifically, people who were more grateful before the transition were less stressed, less depressed, and more satisfied with their relationships three months later.  Second, two recent studies have suggested that gratitude may have a unique relationship with well-being, and can explain aspects of well-being that other personality traits cannot. Both studies showed that gratitude was able to explain more well-being than the  Big Five  and 30 of the most commonly studied personality traits Comparison with indebtedness Gratitude is not the same as  indebtedness. While both  emotions  occur following help, indebtedness occurs when a person perceives that they are under an obligation to make some repayment of compensation for the aid. The emotions lead to different actions; indebtedness can motivate the recipient of the aid to avoid the person who has helped them, whereas gratitude can motivate the recipient to seek out their benefactor and to improve their relationship with them. QUOTES True forgiveness is when you can say, Thank you for that experience.   à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¢Ã‚  Oprah Winfrey Heart of Gratitude As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them. John F. Kennedy Act with kindness, but do not expect gratitude. Confucius Walk as if you are kissing the Earth with your feet.   à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¢Ã‚  Thich Nhat Hanh,  Peace Is Every Step: The Path of Mindfulness in Everyday Life We must find time to stop and thank the people who make a difference in our lives.   à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¢Ã‚  John F. Kennedy Gratitude is a form of worship in its own right, as it implies the acceptance of a power greater than yourself.   à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¢Ã‚  Stephen Richards Be attached to nothing. Be grateful for everything.   à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¢Ã‚  David Che,  Total Law of Attraction: Unleash Your Secret Creative Power To Get What You Want! Gratitude of heart can often be seen in a generous spirit.   à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¢Ã‚  Our Daily Bread devotions

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Cheating and Plagiarism - The Path to Self-destruction :: Argumentative Persuasive Essays

Plagiarism - The Path to Self-destruction Why do so many people use simply to plagiarize other people's writing? Is it even possible that someone cannot write their own essay, or that someone cannot read a book of any length? If you plagiarize, aren't you sentencing yourself to failure? And if you cannot gather information, aren't you opening yourself to attacks from the System? I know many students who use sites such as to "gather research" - steal other people's ideas and papers. Yet it still amazes me that people could be so naà ¯ve and lazy. Think about it: in high school, you are already expected to know whatever material you've been taught (hopefully). If you cannot get through high school without cheating, how well will you do in college? Professors check whether you have cheated, and you are required to write lengthy papers based on detailed research, which is not present on many Internet paper mills and notes sites. If you cannot read, write, and think on your own, you are doomed. Maybe not now, maybe not during your high school career, but eventually, you will flunk a class or get expelled for cheating. If your job requires you to write essays or gather information, and you "cheat" (gather information without citing it and getting permission) you will be sued and fired. During high school and college, you are more likely to hurt your grade than to get into serious trouble. (However, if your paper sounds too well written, or if a teacher finds that you stole information, you can still be expelled.) Let's face it: Cliffs Notes aren't the Holy Grail of research. If you read Cliffs Notes or Monarch Notes or' essays, you are bound to miss important details. Any decent teacher will check whether you read a book, and to do so, he will ask you details and concepts from the work that you did not read. Cliffs Notes, shortchange you; there are few concepts and almost no details in those. Monarch Notes only have concepts. And most the free essays on are filled typos and inaccuracies. Of course, one must pay a small fee to access the great and excellent essays on 123HelpMe.

Auricular Acupuncture Essay -- Health, Alternative Medcine

Examining the Effectiveness of Auricular Acupuncture What is Auricular Acupuncture? Auricular acupuncture has a variety of uses, some with more documented success than others. Auricular acupuncture is an alternative medicine with some documented success in treating anxiety, insomnia, smoking, drug addictions and obesity. Not all studies have generated conclusive positive results and more research is needed to accurately evaluate the efficacy of the procedure in treating multiple ailments. Acupuncture is an ancient medicinal practice that originated in China. The name comes from the Latin acus, or â€Å"needle†, and from pungere, or â€Å"prick,† and involves the insertion of superfine needles into specific points on the body. Once inserted, the needles can be manipulated to stimulate the body for healing effects. Auricular acupuncture is acupuncture performed on the ear. The treatment of auricular acupuncture is preformed on the ear using stimulators such as different types of needles, staple-punctures, probes, magnetic beads, fingers, or harmless ele ctrical impulses. The most common is method is inserting needles. For auricular acupuncture, there are different type of needles that can be used such as a regular half or whole inch needle, press needles, and interdermal needles. Press and interdermal needles are pressed into an acupuncture point and tape is used to keep them in place, as well as give constant stimulation. The ear is thought to contain an innumerable amount of important and potentially therapeutic acupuncture points. This is why it is believed that by using these types of stimulators on acupuncture points in the ear, problems and/or dysfunctions will be revealed throughout the body. (Suen 135) Why is Auricular Acupunctu... ...this alternative medicine in reinforcing the legitimacy of their work is that there are even discrepancies between them on exactly how to achieve the desired results. â€Å"One of the many methodological problems with auricular acupuncture is that there are so many maps of the ear and little agreement exists regarding point location, lacking definite anatomic stud on the ear skin and its somatotopic correspondences† (Gori 16). In order for this alternative method of treatment to become more mainstream and accepted as legitimate, more conclusive evidence and more consistent results across multiple studies, and more consistent application of the acupuncture itself must be achieved. Until that point, auricular acupuncture will continue to help persons who have experienced its benefits, but it will not receive the attention that a more proven treatment would by the masses.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Declaration of Rights and Sentiments :: essays research papers

Many Americans realized their own oppression as they worked to the end of the institution of slavery. When two of these women, Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Lucretia Mott, were denied the right to sit as delegates at the 1840 World Anti-Slavery Convention in London, they were angered to the point of action. Eight years later in Seneca Falls, New York, the first American women's right convention was held. Elizabeth Cady Stanton presented the following declaration. When, in the course of human events, it becomes necesary for one portion of the family of man to assume among the people of the earth a position different from that which they have hitherto occupied, but one to which the laws of nature's God entitle them, a denet respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes that impel them to such a course. We hold these truths to be self-evident;that all men and women are treated equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with the certain inalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness; that to secure these right governments are instituted, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.Whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends , it is right of those who suffer from it to refuse allegiance to it, and to insist upon the instituiton of a new government, laying its foundation on such principles, and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experiences hath shown that mankind are more diisposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolitionist the froms to which they were accustomed .

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Pe Reflection

This semester has been great for me in terms of personal fitness. I have had the good fortune of having gym class and a foods class in the same semester. In combination I can stay fit and make healthy food choices which are key to being healthy. I am sure when I recap on my semester in PPL20 I will remember things I have learned, memorable moments, things that have really affected me as a person, some things that I did not enjoy and things I will remember in 5 years. There are a few things I have learned this semester in this class.I feel like the most things I have learned came from health class as we did not have a proper class to do units too in depth. I learned a lot about different drugs and their different names, short term effects, long term effects and legal status. We also learned about steroids and the different kinds of steroids. We also learned about a lot of different side effects and different dangers of steroids. I also learned about how to achieve success without ster oids. I also learned how to play badminton a lot better by placing the birdy away from the opponent on every hit and not hitting it in the middle.In the weight room I was able to apply what I learned from last year and from outside of school to be efficient in the weight room and finish lots of sets in a period of time. I felt pretty comfortable in most units that we studied. I think the biggest challenge for me was to play badminton because I am not really good at that sport. But I did feel like I really did improve a lot with the technique and where to place the birdie. I really enjoyed playing ringette and hockey because I do not play them often but I feel I should.I felt most comfortable in indoor sports that we did in class such as basketball, indoor soccer, and volleyball. I think I did well in those units because those were the sports I was most familiar with so it was easy to adjust to. I wish we could have gone more in depth in the rugby unit because I really do want to imp rove in the sport. I did have some difficulty in games of low organization because they would be usually sports or activities I have never played or heard of before so it would make it harder to adjust to the play style of the game. There were a few memorable moments throughout this semester in gym class.One memorable moment is when we had a lot of international students in our gym class and one of the Iraqi students got angry at Walter and said â€Å"You no good. † which is funny because didn’t know English well at the time. Other than that I do not think there were any other memorable moments during this semester in gym class. I think I have learned some things in this class that have affected me as a person. Most importantly something that really affected me as a person is that it is not how much you lift, it’s how you lift it is an important one since it will help me plenty when I am working out.Another important thing that has affected me is learning about what to do when working out. What I mean by that is to start with the bigger muscles and multi-joints first. It is going to save me lots of time on wasted workouts that do not work my body to their full potential. Another thing that has affected me as a person is understanding the true definition of character. Character is what people do when no one is watching, means that you shouldn’t act like one person when people around and then act like a completely different person when no one is watching. There were something’s that I did not enjoy while participating in this class.One thing for sure was basketball. I did not enjoy it because there was a large skill gap in out class so the good players were pretty much the only players that could touch the ball. I did not enjoy many of the games of low organization as I would much prefer to play sports I am familiar with but sometimes some of the games were fun. Sometimes I didn’t like badminton because it felt like we w ere playing it a lot during that month. There are a few things that I think that I will remember in 5 years. It all comes from the health unit we did at the end. I will definitely remember all the dangers of drugs.What I learned will help me make better decisions in the future. What we learned about steroids will also stick with me for a while. The dangers of steroids outweigh the benefits by a lot and it is not worth taking when you can be a natural athlete. In conclusion this semester has been great as I stated in my introduction. It has helped me become a better person and a better athlete. I will be able to use what I have learned this semester in class to assist me in next year’s gym class if I decide to take it and even to apply what I have learned to use from day to day.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Computer Addiction Essay

Computer habituation is a mental illness which military campaigns the undue pulmonary tuberculosis of computing devices to the extent that it interferes with daily life. excessive use may explain problems in social interaction, mood, personality, work ethic, relationships, thought processes, or sleep deprivation. The Diagnostic and Statistical manual of arms of Mental Disorders does not include a diagnosis for such a disease. The bourn estimator dependence originated long onwards the Internet. Some people develop detrimental habits in their computer use that cause them significant problems in their lives. The types of behavior and contradict consequences are similar to those of known habit-forming disorders.EffectsExcessive computer use may result in, or proceed withLack of social interaction.Using the computer for pleasure, gratification, or relief from stress. Feeling ill-natured and out of control or get down when not using it. Spending change magnitude amounts of duration and money on hardware, software, magazines, and computer-related activities. Neglecting work, school, or family obligations.Lying about the amount of time spent on computer activities. Risking passing game of career goals, educational objectives, and personal relationships. weakness at repeated efforts to control computer use. A cause for many of the preceding(prenominal) effects may be that computer games do not stimulate the wasteweir of neurotransmitters responsible for feelings of satisfaction and relaxation, such as oxytocin and endorphin, in the same demeanor that real world activities do.BibliographyExhaustion just about likely cause of death, 2007, Chinese gamer dies after three-day session ,, Online, for sale http// countersign/2198850/chinese-man-dies-three-days 2009, April 14.About online gamers anoymous 2009, , OLG, Online, Available http// 2009, April 14.Block, 2008, Issues for DSM-V Internet dependence A vailablehttp// 2009, April 14.Chinese suicide shows dependance dangers Online life proves too appealing n.d., ,, Online, Available http// habituation-dangers/ 2009, April 14.Experts debate internet addiction 2006 , Nov. 14 Available http// 2009, April 14.How computer addiction works 2009, Available http// 2009, April 14.Orzack, n.d., Computer addiction services Available http// 2009, April 14.

Lightweight Aggregate Concrete (LAC)

Chapter 1 Introduction1.1 foreword center and cementum c everyplace drama a critical responsibility in the go by means ofed app craftd science where the structure of structures both for domestic and mercantile enwrapped is pendent upon the superior and scientific features of the cover affair as argued by Leif Berntsson Satish Chandra ( 2002 ) 1 . This is app atomic number 18nt from the occurrence that cover is employ in many applications asunder from morphologic applications including insularity, make fulling etc.In this mull over a critical compendium on the diminish clog spirit cover ( LAC ) is presented to the lector. The investigate willing come out a comprehensive penetration on the scientific facets environing LAC and the clean house up for utilizing LAC in geomorphologic applications.1.2 Purpose and AimsThe purpose of this study is to show a critical abridgment on the jackanafundament pile up Concrete ( LAC ) and look on its geomorpho logic applications and far developments.The above purpose is achieved by encompassing the study on the undermenti adeptd aimsTo adjust on a comprehensive overview on the jackanapes Aggregate Concrete ( LAC ) by supplying the register, definitions and stinting accompanimentors environing the applications and ha poker chip of LAC in rise- styl apply constructions.To supply a critical overview on the payoff of cement and its belongingss in the transp atomic number 18nt radiation of LAC and its application in cultured constructions.To show a scientific analysis on the belongingss of LAC utilizing different constitution obstructs including both the mechanical and chemic belongingss.To look into on the ordinances refering to LAC and their effects on a item constitute of LAC in a abandoned geographical part.To look into on the LAC business and routine in Greece.1.3 Research ScopeThe presence of cover in polite technology is thorough in nature and thence the resear ch work is special(a) to the composing of the LAC and its application in civil construction applications. The scarlet tanager facets of the LAC and its industry in Greece is likewise imply in the range of the research although a worldwide research on the LAC industry and ordinances refering to LAC is out of range of this undertaking.The research range at any rate includes the probe of the full general ordinances adhered in the Europe including the ACI-318 and digit considerations in the panoptical radiation of Seismic Design.1.4 Research methodological analysisThe nature of the research is dependent on the analysis and findings environing the LAC which is use in civil constructions. Since constructing a civil construction is non portion of the undertaking due to be and resource restraints, the research methodological analysis is rigorously dependent on qualitative analysis utilizing utility(prenominal) research schoolings. The qualitative attack to research in lawsuits of the technology analysis is advised as a depend adequate attack as the findings from the research on the secondary resources are already published therefore supplying a validated beginning of information for analysis. This is kick upstairs justify by arse W. Creswell ( 2002 ) 2 .Hence the research methodological analysis in this study is qualitative research utilizing published resources including diaries, textbook books and scientific documents. The Internet is apply as the old-timer hunt infinite for roll uping information to practise the qualitative analysis.1.5 Chapter OverviewChapter 1 IntroductionThis is the current chapter where the ratifier is provided with a brief de but on the way out, research purpose and aims, range and methodological analysis. The chapter machinates the phase for the boilers suit research presented in the study.Chapter 2 Literature brushupIn this chapter a historic overview on the cover and the customs of Lightweight Aggregate Concrete ( LAC ) is presented to the reader. This is so fol wiped out(p)ed by the definition of the LAC and its application in the civil geomorphologic applications from a historic position. The chapter is concluded with an overview on the frugal factors and benefits realised through with(predicate) and through the usage of the LAC in the civil construction applications with illustrations. The economic overview also throws visible radiation on the rudimentary facets of LAC that benefit the boilers suit cover composing in structural applications totally(prenominal)(prenominal) bit dependable as supply a elaborate reappraisal of the various LAC composings utilise in the yesteryear during the initial phases of LACs usage in the construct industry.Chapter 3 Concrete mathematical productThis chapter presents a elaborate overview on the modern cover intersection techniques and the development of the achievement techniques over the old ages.The profound common techniques use i n the turnout to wit the rotary kiln and the sintering unconscious process with penetration on the fluctuations is presented to the reader in this chapter. Further more(prenominal), the whippersnapper quantity achievement and the scarlet tanager production methods used in the commercial applications including the advantages associated are presented to the reader.Chapter 4 LAC Properties, Regulations and composing analysis based on geographics.This chapter presents a critical analysis on the belongingss of LAC and the fluxed combination of get awayweight gibe that is used in different classs of the expression. The research throws visible radiation on the various composings of light bestow and their distinguishable characteristics that dish up accomplish the covet benefits in a structural application. The chapter so presents a critical overview on the ordinances refering to the LAC fol low-toneded by the composing analysis based on the stuffs that are available locall y to a given geographical location. The chosen geographics for this research is Greece.Chapter 5 endingThis chapter reviews the aims of the research followed by supplying the decision to the study.Chapter 2 Literature Reappraisal2.1 Historical overviewConcrete, regularly a miscellanyture of sand, rugged shake and cement solar daytime of the months bum to ancient history when ruddy atomic number 20 hydroxide was used as a cementing region in doing cover ( Leif Berntsson Satish Chandra, 2002 ) . This makes it slip away that the current pleattures of cover shit evolved over the historic periods to provide assorted technology demands with the developments in scientific discipline and the introductions in technology as argued by Leif Berntsson Satish Chandra ( 2002 ) . A clean illustration for the development of cover since the ancient history is the usage of cover by Romans in ccc BC when they found that chokeing a garden pink sand- standardised stuff which was vol flush toiletic ash they obtained from Pozzuoli with their normal linden tree-based covers resulted in a far stronger stuff.The history behind the usage of juncture to do cover ruffle day of the months keystone to both bit archean as the early the Roman period when the Romans used acceptable methods in fixing cover coalescees with different conjugation stuffs to accommodate the structural demands and military capability. The classical illustrations for the above asseveration include the usage of jackanapes meanings as in the roof of the Pantheon, and embedded support in the mannequin of bronze bars as argued by Leif Berntsson Satish Chandra ( 2002 ) . The engine room in cover utilizing different adds every bit good as accounting for caloric and other(a) physical qualities of re-enforcing stuffs to do cover mixes that provide the coveted metier is apparent throughout history although the industrial revolution and the addition in the technology and the campaig n of steel in the 20Thursdaycentury have increased the invention every bit good as developments some the plan of doing the right cover mix.Concrete is non only a critical voice in the civil structural applications but besides a cardinal gene in many other applications environing the building business doing it one of the of import and approximately desire after mathematical product in the technology concern itself as argued by Fu-Tung Cheng and Eric Olsen ( 2002 ) 3 . This is of course because of the fact that cover is non merely a constituent in the building of civil constructions but besides a design ingredient in make up ones minding upon the strength, truss and other physical elements that govern the stability of a given edifice. This is besides justified in the statements of Leif Berntsson Satish Chandra ( 2002 ) .The definition of cement in technology footings refers to smash stuffs which develop strong adhesive qualities when combined with body of water. This m akes it gain that the cementing action of vol sufferic ash that was used to do concrete by the Romans autumn under the cement. It is farther apparent that concrete is referred to as a complex edifice stuff made from the combination of bestow and cement binder.From the above it is substantiate that the developments in the quality of cement and the innovation of behaviorland cement, gyp affectionateness plaster, etc have a select influence on the development of the concrete engineering although the aggregated constituent of the concrete composing plays an every bit of import function in assorted mixes of concrete that serve a coveted feeling as argued by Leif Berntsson Satish Chandra ( 2002 ) .Another component of greater signifi cigarettece to the development of concrete engineering in the recent old ages every bit early as the 1900s is the development of concrete boats during the 2nd creation war where the whippersnapper re measuree concrete contend a critical function in the design and building of the ships itself as argued by Glenn A. low ( 2004 ) 4 . It is besides liberation to identify that the importance of concrete has increased with the demand for refined and purpose particular proposition concrete mixes where the function of concrete has been non merely to supply the structural support but besides the coveted strength at the needed physical conditions that is set in the given geographical location as argued by Glenn A. gloomy ( 2002 ) . The growing of the expand carcass and shale industry since the morning of the 20Thursdaycentury and the developments during the Second World war when the jackanapes tot up concrete utilizing clay and shale was used to build the war ships marked the accelerated growing of the usage of jackanapes aggregate concrete as argued by Glenn A. Black ( 2004 ) .2.2 Definition of whippersnapper magnetic coreIn erect to specify the light make sense the subject under research in this thesis, it is ingra ined to show the basicss environing the whippersnapper impart. Hence this subdivision world-class presents a brief research on sum, its function in building as portion of the concrete mix and so travel towards the nucleus subject ( i.e. ) the definition of lightweight sum.Aggregate is the footings used to wholeedly with mention to the ingredients in doing a concrete mix that gives strength and texture to the general concrete composing made of sand, cement and sum as argued by Glenn A. Black ( 2004 ) . Aggregate is the composite stuff of the concrete that is aimed to defy compressive emphasis doing it pardon that the size, strength and weight of the collective stuffs are critical constituents for the overall susceptibility of the concrete to pull off the compressive emphasis as argued by Glenn A. Black ( 2004 ) .The modern twenty-four hours concrete utilizations Portland cement as the cementing component and the sum that is held together by the cement and H2O to plan concrete for different grades of strengths, lastingness, light up & A sound insularity, and H2O stringency as argued by Glenn A. Black ( 2004 ) . This makes it lightheaded that the sum is the critical constituent of the concrete that specifys to observe merely the strength and quality of the concrete but besides dictates the nature of the applications and the extent to which invention in technology can be developn to. The cardinal physical quality of the sum is the compressive strength that it can back up for a given composing.The lightweight sums that are researched in this study typically prop to up to 80 lbs per square inch which is used mainly applications that demand lightweight concrete by virtuousness of the placement or for the support, insularity etc. detail sombrenessal attraction is another critical component in depicting the quality of sum as the specific gravitation off the substance is genuine coition to its emphasis and compressibility factors as argued by Glenn A. Black ( 2004 ) . A typical combination and close popular in the building industry for the sum is the gloomy rock and sand mix at different sizes and squeezability that are used in spicy demand building structural applications as argued by Glenn A. Black.Hence sum in concrete is delimitate as the constituent of concrete that attributes to the strength, lastingness, squeezability and insularity properties to back up the coveted building application.Lightweight AggregateGlenn A. Black ( 2004 ) says The term Lightweight Aggregate describes a oscillo mount of particular usage sums that have an evident specific gravitation well below normal sand and crushed rock which were at one clip used in about all concrete .From the above it is clear that the lightweight sum is one of the critical elements that makes concrete flexible and various to do the overall structural design and specifications as to run into the building demands as argued by Leif Berntsson Satish Chandra ( 2002 ) . I t is besides interest to observe that the lightweight sum in the concrete that is made utilizing light weight stuffs besides provide an appreciable stratum of squeezability every bit good as possess strength that can be defined based on the composing therefore doing it a versatile and cost in take up(p) procedure in the production procedure itself.The scope of lightweight sum is extended in nature from spicy-pitchedly light stuffs used for insularity and non-structural concrete all the manner to expanded clays and shales used for structural concrete. This makes it clear that the lightweight sum in the concrete is chiefly aimed to accomplish high level of physical constancy and squeezability through efficaciously using the physical qualities of the collective stuffs. This is farther justified in the statements of Leif Berntsson Satish Chandra ( 2002 ) who argues that the lightweight sum in the concrete is a major stones throw towards invention in the field of technology its elf.The strength and the atmosphere trapped in each iodine atom of the constituents of the aggregative stuffs are reciprocally relative to each other therefore doing it clear that in order to elicit lightweight aggregate the sum of air trapped in the single atoms must be high therefore doing it clear that the strength of the concrete therefore obtained is low. The above relationship state provides the counsel to guarantee the balance between the air trapped and the strength required in the concrete mix therefore doing the overall lightweight sum concrete customisable to run into the structural demands of the application on manus.Lightweight Aggregate Concrete SpectrumThe concrete spectrum ensue from the usage of the lightweight sum is highly versatile in nature runing from really lightweight sum concrete up to high strength sums utilize for specific bespoke applications as argued by Glenn A. Black ( 2004 ) .The ace lightweights scope of aggregative concrete that are deignd from Vermiculite and Perlite are the capable of presenting weights every bit low as 15 to 20 lbs per third-dimensional pes therefore doing it clear the application of lightweight sums in the technology concern provides a diverse scope of applications for concrete.The inborn sums, Pumice and Scoria for illustration can be used to do concrete retardation at approximately 25 to 30 lbs per three-dimensional pes and extended every bit high as 65 lbs per three-dimensional pes as argued by Glenn A. Black ( 2004 ) . Furthermore, the usage of coal clinkers and expanded shale, clay and slate sums produced utilizing rotary kiln method can present weights in a varying scope from 75 to 120 lbs per three-dimensional pes.Another popular production method for this scope of sums includes the sintering where the weights are delivered typically runing from 90 to 120 lbs per three-dimensional pes.The high celestial pole applications of aggregative concrete include the production of sums capable of presenting weights up to 150 lbs per three-dimensional pes utilizing the air-cooled scoria sums and the hard-rock sums such as sand and crushed rock and crushed rock, which produce conventional concretes as mentioned by Glenn A. Black ( 2004 ) .From the above it is clear that the sums that lie in the glower terminal of the weight that have lower compressive strength are used chiefly for insularity intents whilst those in the in-between spectrum are used for insularity and filling. The high terminal of the lightweight sum concrete spectrum are used in a broad scope of structural applications that demand high compressive strengths every bit good as competent direction of weight as argued by Glenn A. Black. The concrete spectrum for the lightweight sum concrete is presented in the puzzle out belowFig 1 Lightweight Aggregate Concrete Spectrum( Beginning Glenn A. Black ( 2004 ) ,Lightweight Concrete history, Applications and economics,Indiana University )2.3 Economicss environing l ightweight Aggregate ConcreteThe cardinal facets of Lightweight Aggregate Concrete that attribute to the economical and structural benefits derived through the structural applications utilizing LAC include the undermentioned2.3.1Fire opposer Resistance to finish is one of the critical elements that is judge in concrete to guarantee that the fire encounter and the structural stableness of the civil construction is keep through the usage of aggregative concrete as argued by fundament P. Ries and doubting doubting doubting doubting doubting doubting doubting Thomas A. Holm ( 2006 ) 5 . The fire opposition of lightweight sum is high compared to the typical concrete sum chiefly because of the fact that the aggregative stuffs composing the lightweight sum have lower thermic conduction, lower coefficient of thermic enlargement as argued by John P. Ries and Thomas A. Holm ( 2006 ) . The fact that the aggregative stuffs possess built-in fire resistant belongingss is the cardinal com ponent that is emphasised and strengthened in instance of the lightweight aggregates where the aforesaid heat opposition belongingss table assist accomplish higher fire opposition. It is besides interesting to observe that the built-in fire stableness of sum is high and in instance of the lightweight sum it is at a heat of over 2000 grades Fahrenheit.As it is stated in the ACI 216 Standard Method for determine fire Resistance ofConcrete and Masonry Construction Assemblies , when slab burdensomeness is determined by fire opposition and non by structural standards ( Goists, waffle slabs e.g. ) , the superior public demo of lightweight concrete, will emasculated down the onerousness of slabs ensuing in significantly lower concrete loudnesss , ( John P. Ries and Thomas A. Holm, 2006 ) .From the above it is clear that the fire opposition belongingss of the lightweight sum straight tops to the overall structural stableness and the fall down in the volume occupied by the concret e in the structural applications. This justifies the various nature of the lightweight sum therefore enabling it to be used in innovative structural applications as argued by John P. Ries and Thomas A. Holm ( 2006 ) .2.3.2 Service Life of the Structure The military service spirit of the construction is another critical component that is used as step of economic usage in instance of measuring the concrete and the aggregative cleverness against the groovy invested as argued by John P. Ries and Thomas A. Holm ( 2006 ) . Glenn A. Black ( 2004 ) further provinces that the lastingness of lightweight sum is high and the life of the constructions constructed utilizing lightweight sum dig up to hold higher life lastingness. The historical cause to warrant the aforesaid include popular constructions likeThe Port of Cosa built about 273 B.C. where the builders used lightweight concrete made out of natural volcanic stuffs,The Pantheonthat was faultless in 27 B.C that incorporates concre te changing in meanness from underside to exceed of the dome and the most popular Amphitheater, built in 75 to 80 A.D. where the foundations were cast as lightweight concrete utilizing crushed volcanic lava as argued by John P. Ries and Thomas A. Holm ( 2006 ) . From the above statements it is apparent that the lastingness of the constructions designed utilizing the lightweight concrete is extended in nature.Looking into the more modern illustrations to warrant the service life of the lightweight sum used in concrete for building include the lightweight concrete ships built by the American Emergency Fleet Corporation during the firstborn World War. The compressive strengths of the concrete used were in the scope of 5000 pounds per square inch ( 35 MPa ) obtaining a unit weight of 110 lb/ftJ ( 1760 kg/mJ ) or less utilizing the rotary kiln produced expanded shale and clay sum as identified by John P. Ries and Thomas A. Holm ( 2006 ) . The service of these lightweight concrete boats during the universe wars and their succeeding in the merchandiser ships warrant the lastingness and service life of the lightweight sum used in concrete building applications. Furthermore, the fact that the higher compass point of air trapped in the atoms make the submersion efficient in instance of the marine applications makes lightweight sum as a natural plump for the Marine applications although the usage of lightweight concrete extends to commercial structural applications in many Bridgess across the coupled States of America where the structural efficiency and stableness on Bridgess that were deemed unserviceable due to hapless burden presence capablenesss was improved through the usage of lightweight aggregative concrete as argued by John P. Ries and Thomas A. Holm ( 2006 ) . Furthermore, the critical component that attributes to the service life of the lightweight concrete is the heat opposition, opposition to environmental corrosion and its lightweight that reduces t he burden on the construction doing its service life longer than the typical concrete applications.2.3.3 Economic sustainabilityJohn P. Ries and Thomas A. Holm ( 2006 ) argue that the structural applications in the modern yearss are judged against the cost, functionality, aesthetics or a combination of these as argued by John P. Ries and Thomas A. Holm ( 2006 ) . This makes it clear that the be associated with the building of the construction every bit good as the running be associated with care, infinite and fix are the critical elements that attribute to the pick of a given concrete mix over another. The lightweight sum that is used in the LAC is higher in be compared to the typical concrete mix as argued by John P. Ries and Thomas A. Holm ( 2006 ) . This is of course because of the demand to subscribe to forth the concrete mix utilizing stuffs of alone physical belongingss and the extent of research and development involved with the overall design of the building application. Alongside, the cost is treated as the cardinal component in instance of commercial execution of building applications preponderantly because of the fact that the step on the returns in footings of return on investing is attributable when compared against the costs associated with the building of the construction.John P. Ries and Thomas A. Holm ( 2006 ) say that although the capital involved with the building of lightweight constructions is high, the fact that the low care costs and costs associated with other back uping constructions during the buildings like the decrease in steel, girders and besides the decrease in the slab thickness will equilibrate the costs with the production of the LAC concrete mix itself. This farther justifies that the economic sustainability where the return on the investing and the optimal pick for building is accomplishable utilizing lightweight sum as argued by John P. Ries and Thomas A. Holm ( 2006 )The statements of Glenn A. Black ( 2004 ) that the l ightweight sum besides has the benefit of lower floor of care and negligible fixs associated due to its lastingness features farther justify that the effectivity of the lightweight sum in accomplishing economic sustainability is high. Hence the lightweight sum is highly recommended in the building of critical structural applications like Bridgess and commercial edifice where the burden bearing is high and the infinite is a critical component to save costs.2.3.3 Energy ingestion and energy nestle orchis The Energy Performance of Buildings Directive of the European joint is a classical illustration for the justification that the composing of the concrete and the belongingss of the constituents consisting the construction of constructing commercial and domestic contribute straight to the overall energy ingestion as argued by John P. Ries and Thomas A. Holm ( 2006 ) . This is farther justified in the statements of Sarah Gaventa ( 2006 ) 6 where the writer has justified that the concrete mix and the design of the overall construction to accommodate the structural demands have a direct meeting on the energy ingestion. Alongside, the heat immune belongingss of the lightweight sum and the ability to pin down higher sum of air within the atoms consisting the sum further do the lightweight sum to be able to run into the thawing and chilling demands in a given construction as argued by Sarah Gaventa ( 2006 ) . It is besides interesting to observe that the energy public foundation efficiency in the edifice particularly in the West where a major part of the energy is used for heating intents justify that the concrete mix and the aggregative composing to do the concrete mix are critical for the successful energy nest eggs in the edifices as argued by Sarah Gaventa ( 2006 ) .The lastingness, stableness and other physical belongingss including the squeezability of an aggregative stuff property to the ability of the concrete used in the edifice to retain heat theref ore cut downing the ingestion of energy for interior warming intents as argued by Sarah Gaventa ( 2006 ) .It is besides a good known fact that the decrease in the concrete denseness increases the thermic opposition therefore doing it clear that the lightweight sum will increase the thermic opposition due to the lower specific gravitation of the aggregative composing that reduces the denseness of the concrete used in the building of the construction. A typical illustration is the concrete denseness of 90lb/cubic pes will hold a opposition ( R tax ) of 0.26/inch whilst the R value for a denseness of 135lb/cubic pes is about 0.10/inc therefore doing it clear the energy efficiency is greatly increased through the usage of lightweight sums as argued by John P. Ries and Thomas A. Holm ( 2006 ) .Chapter 3 Concrete Production3.1 OverviewThe production of concrete mix utilizing the sum is achieved through the mixture of the sum, sand and cement with right sums of H2O to bring forth the con crete mix of the necessary strength. The concrete commixture is dependent upon the quality of the sum every bit good as the cement used to accomplish the coveted denseness, strength and squeezability of the concrete for the structural application. In this chapter a critical overview on the cement production followed by the production methods for lightweight sums is presented to the reader.3.2 Cement ProductionThe chief ingredient for the production of cement is limestone of changing chemic composings that are freely available in the preies as argued by Sarah Gaventa ( 2006 ) . The lime rock is processed and farther chemicals are added to derive the cement of the necessary strength and squeezability. The undermentioned explains the production procedure brieflyThe natural limestone of changing chemical combinations is foremost collected to fix the natural mix where the limestone is assorted with minerals of minerals incorporating Ca oxide, Si oxide, aluminum oxide, ferrous oxide, an d Mg oxide. This mixture is prepared to a all right mixture which forms the natural mix for a typical Portland cement. This is so blended to mastermind the natural blend where the natural mix is formulated to a really tight chemical preparation to derive the coveted strength from the finished green goods of the cement as argued by Sarah Gaventa ( 2006 ) .The natural blending procedure is conducted in a manner where the comparative case of each oxide in the chemical composing is kept changeless throughout the production procedure in order to guarantee that the belongingss of the reason out merchandise is non altered. It is besides argued by Sarah Gaventa ( 2006 ) really little alterations to the Ca meat in the natural mix may take to big alterations in the ratio of alite to belite in the cinder, and to unified alterations in the cement s strength-growth features ( Sarah Gaventa, 2006 ) . This makes it clear that the wakeless control of the natural mix is critical for the produ ction of consistent quality cement to run into the demands of the structural application.The side by side(p) phase is the preparation of the cinder where the blend natural mixture is put through a complex chemical reaction procedure in a big cement kiln with temperature increasing over the length of the cylinder as argued by Sarah Gaventa ( 2006 ) . The concluding merchandise of the procedure is called cinder which is the concluding merchandise of the cement produced in the solid signifier at the coveted chemical combination. This is so put through a cement crunching procedure where the cinder that is produced is assorted with little sums of Ca sulfate to crunch the cement to the desired coarseness in order to back up the structural application.Sarah Gaventa ( 2006 ) further argues that the major constituents that answer on the strength and quality of cement include the undermentionedCinderGypsumLimestoneBlast Furnace SlagThe Blast Furnace Slag is one of the critical elements in l ending to the stableness of the chemical reaction in the cement kiln as argued by Sarah Gaventa ( 2006 ) . Another interesting component with the blast furnace scoria is the fact that the effectual usage of the scoria in the cement production procedure besides allows to command the specific gravitation of the cement when assorted with aggregative and H2O to organize concrete every bit good as the ability to make the coveted strength of the cement concrete through the right combination of limestone and gypsum.The stately of the cement production procedure is presented in the build 2 below.Fig 2 Cement production Schematic( Beginning hypertext transfer protocol // )3.3 Sum productionThe aggregative production is the following critical component in the lightweight concrete readying as the lightweight sum is one of the major elements that must be produced at a higher degree of preciseness in order to guarantee the coveted degree of strength and sp ecific gravitation are achieved as argued by John P. Ries and Thomas A. Holm ( 2006 ) .The rotary kiln method is a traditional method of production which is popular since 1946 as argued by Glenn A. Black ( 2004 ) . The procedure of the production involves the application of heat to shale, clay and slate under controlled conditions. The conditions include the force per unit area and other features that trigger chemical reactions in order to accomplish the preferable specific gravitation and denseness of the sum constituent which is so land to the needed coarseness as argued by Glenn A. Black ( 2004 ) .The sintering method every bit good as the rotary kiln method typically use the similar base natural stuff that invent of a extremely silicious clay or shale that exhibits a bloating characteristic which is achieve through gas-forming minerals which judgement of dismissal gas on exposure to the desired degree of heat as argued by Glenn B. Black ( 2004 ) . It is besides interesting to observe that the readying of the sum is dependent upon the extent to which the force per unit area and the orthogonal temperature is controlled that set the temperature-based chemical reactions as argued by Glenn A. Black ( 2004 ) .